1. https://ruff.io/ - Ruff
  2. http://www.espruino.com/ - Espruino
  3. https://tessel.io/ - Tessel 2
  4. https://nodered.org/ [github] - A visual tool for wiring the Internet of Things.
  5. http://iotjs.net/ [github] - IoT.js
  6. http://johnny-five.io/ [github] - The JavaScript Robotics Programming Framework
  7. https://cylonjs.com/ [github] - JavaScript framework for robotics, drones, and the Internet of Things (IoT)
  8. http://www.zettajs.com/ [github] - Zetta is an open source, API-first, Node.js-based platform for the Internet of Things.
  9. http://jerryscript.net/ [github] - JerryScript: JavaScript engine for the Internet of Things
  10. https://github.com/ibm-watson-iot/iot-nodejs - Client libraries and samples for connecting to IBM Watson IoT using nodejs
  11. https://github.com/node-serialport/node-serialport - Imagine a world where you can write JavaScript to control blenders, lights, security systems, or even robots.
  12. https://bitsrc.io/ [github] - Easily share code between projects with your team.

  1. http://nodemcu.com/index_cn.html [github] - A Lua based firmware for ESP8266 WiFi SOC

  1. https://micropython.org/ - MicroPython